According to Healthline, “Optimal water intake is essential for your health.

Every cell in your body needs water to function properly, which is why you must continuously hydrate throughout the day.”

Purified Water removes contaminants that may remain in drinking water and improves water quality and taste.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets legal limits that are considered safe for consumers for over 90 contaminants in drinking water.

However, the Safe Water Drinking Act gives individual states the ability to regulate their own drinking water standards, as long as they meet the EPA’s minimum requirements for contaminants.

This means that some states have more stringent drinking water regulations than others.

Although measures are taken to ensure that public drinking water is safe for consumption, it can contain trace amounts of contaminants that could negatively impact health.

For instance, the heavy metals lead and copper are extremely toxic to health. They can cause stomach distress and lead to brain damage when ingested over time.

By using in-home water filters or drinking purified bottled water, drinking water undergoes another level of purification that can remove metals, chemicals and other contaminants, depending on the type of purification system used. 

Several studies have linked chlorinated water to an increased risk of certain cancers, including colorectal cancer.

And according to Healthline, “Another benefit of water purification is that it removes unpleasant tastes associated with chemical treatments, organic matter or metal plumbing, leaving you with fresh, pure-tasting drinking water.”

Top 10 Benefits of Water

1. Hydration

Water keeps the body hydrated and that is important for the brain and cognitive reasoning processes. A large proportion of our body weight is made up of water and it is important to maintain that with sufficient water consumption. Dehydration can affect or damage brain functions. Lack of water can lead to headaches, anxiety and other problems. Studies have shown that regular intake of water can reduce these.

2. Flushing

It helps the digestive system by washing out intestines and bowels. Drinking sufficient water cleanses the body’s organs and flushes out toxins that collect within them. It also gets rid of dead cells and waste material. Good bowel movement is promoted with regular drinking of water. Enzymes and proteins need water to function properly.

3. Oxygen

Because water is a delivery system for oxygen, it also helps both joints and muscles. This is important for the body’s articulation. Lack of water can lead to atrophy and the reduction of muscle strength.

4. Energy

Energy levels are higher with water intake. It has been proved that drinking water during exercise helps with the body’s physical performance. It helps maintain high energy levels. Drinking water while engaging in physical exertion adds strength and boosts performance. It also enhances endurance levels.

5. Weight Loss

By substituting water for manufactured and artificially sweetened beverages it can help with weight loss too. It helps flush out sugar and artificial sweeteners that come in most processed food and drinks. Studies have shown that it increases your body’s metabolism. Your metabolic rate will rise by drinking water, which reduces calories.

6. Disease

Water flushes out the kidneys and is said to help prevent cancer also. It dilutes minerals and salts that accumulate in the kidneys and are the cause of the formation of kidney stones. They are safely ejected from the body when you urinate. Regular and sufficient water intake also goes a long in helping reduce heart disease. During pregnancy frequent ingestion of water can prevent or reduce the incidence of annoying side effects such as haemorrhoids, constipation and bladder infections.

7. Skin Care

Another benefit is that adequate water hydration helps produce glowing skin. Studies have shown that water has benefits for the skin too. It helps the production of healthy skin cells, which in turn promotes smoothness and softness. It also helps to maintain the natural elasticity of the skin. It helps reduce wrinkling too.

Research: Benefits of Purified Water on Skin, Hair and Teeth [Academia Journal]

8. Respiratory System

Water hydrates mucous membranes that cover your nose, neck, bronchi, and lungs, reduces the chance of developing viral and bacterial infections or helps you beat them faster.

9. Protects Your Heart and Brain [Boost One’s Mental Performance]

Daily intake of water can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Drinking water helps your heart pump the blood more easily, delivering the oxygen needed for all cells in your body.

Drinking water helps one's brain work faster, according to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. The study found that when adults drink water, they tend to concentrate and perform better on mental tests.

The researchers at the University Of East London School Of Psychology in England arrived at the conclusion after asking 34 adult participants to take part in a series of cognitive tests. One set of people were allowed to drink about three cups of water (24 ounces/ 775 millilitres) before the test and the remaining set of people did not drink any water. 

10. Adjust Body Temperature

Sweating keeps the body cool, especially in hot weather or during exercise. If you are not well hydrated, you lose a lot of water by sweating and you run the risk of heat.

According to University Herald, “By using in-home water filters or consuming purified bottled water, drinking water go through different levels of purification, wherein metal contents are eliminated, as well as chemicals and other contaminants. This relies on the type of purification system chosen to be used. Moreover, water purification systems (such as charcoal filters) cuts down on the removed chlorine content. This is a common chemical blended on the public water supply as a disinfectant. For a fact, studies have attested to chlorinated water to result in certain cancers, like colorectal cancer. Remember that pure water is the first and foremost form of medicine.”

Top 5 Health Benefits of Drinking Purified Water

1.  Chlorine

You know that stingy, pongy stuff they use to disinfect swimming pools? Yup – that’s also used to disinfect your drinking water. That’s why your tap water might taste a bit bitter and have a slight whiff that really shouldn’t be there. We really don’t fancy too much chemical disinfectant in our daily drink. A decent carbon filter will reduce the chlorine by 99%.

2.  Dirty Pipes

Your drinking water may be relatively free of loads of dirt when it leaves the water treatment works, but it travels a fair old distance before it gets to your taps. It could be travelling miles through rusty old pipes, and that’s even before it has to go through the pipework in your building

3.  Bacteria

Aside from the chemicals and dirt that can get in to your water, perhaps the scariest of all is the thought of microorganisms. Ee-euw, actual living little beasties lurking around stored water that can grow and breed. Ultraviolet purification zaps these little germs and stops them reproducing. This needs to be done once any chlorine has been removed. 

Research: Risk analysis of drinking water microbial contamination versus disinfection by-products (DBPs) [Toxicology]

4. Essential Minerals

You don’t want absolutely everything taken out of your water – because natural, pure water is healthy, right? It’s healthy because it packed full of essential minerals like Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium that your body needs.

5.  Taste and Smell

Purified water tastes and smells great! Some water comes with an unpleasant taste or smell. Although clean and free of contaminants, it isn’t nice to drink. Sometimes that is because it is what is called hard water and sometimes because chemical purification methods still leave a smell and aftertaste.

How Much Water Should We Drink Each Day?

We asked, Lynell Ross, Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Registered Nutritionist, how much water intake we should drink daily, “How much water a person should drink in a day depends on the person's weight, diet, level of daily exercise, environment, and a host of other factors. That said, the average person should drink 64 ounces of water per day, barring any heart conditions.”

Ross continues, “Water supports a number of physiological functions. Here are a few of the most important ones: transports nutrients; carries away waste, aids in better digestion; moistens eyes, mouth, and nose; hydrates skin and lessens wrinkles; ensures adequate blood volume; helps prevent heart attacks; forms main component of body fluids; participates in many chemical reactions; helps maintain normal body temperature; and acts as a lubricant around joints.”

Research: Water, Hydration and Health [Nutritional Review Journal]

Why is Purified Water Healthy for You?

1.     Removes Impurities

Purified Water has been filtered to remove impurities like algae, fungi, and certain types of bacteria and chemicals VERSUS spring water which tends to have more particulates present in it, as well as more essential minerals.

2. Special Removal Process

Purified Water has undergone certain processes, like reverse osmosis or distillation, to remove impurities.

3. Treatment Process

Purified Water has been treated in various ways to remove particulates.

4. Hydrating

Purified Water is hydrating for the human body.

5. Purification Methods

Purified Water is purified by one of the following methods: coagulation and flocculation; sedimentation; filtration; or disinfection. The purification process generally removes a number of contaminants, including bacteria; algae; fungi; parasites; harmful metals; and chemical pollutants.

6. Healthy

Purified Water is a healthier option than spring water, as spring water often contains trace amounts of contaminants.

7. No Harmful Impurities

Purified Water does not contain harmful impurities that can be found in spring water, including the heavy metals lead and copper, which are extremely damaging to our health. These heavy metals, even in trace amounts, can cause stomach pain and lead to long term brain damage.

8. Additional Filtration

Purified Water has gone through additional filtration steps to remove contaminants from the water. There are many ways to purify water, including carbon filtration and reverse osmosis. 

9. Chemical Free

Purified Water doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals.

10. Bacteria Free

Does not contain harmful bacteria that otherwise can lead to diseases, stomach pain, and nausea.

11. Healthy Organ Function

Purified Water is great for healthy liver and kidney function.

12. Reduces Harmful Exposure

Purified Water reduces exposure to  harmful chemicals, trace prescription drugs, and other compounds not being removed by water treatment plants.

13. Removes Chlorine

Purified Water removes leftover chlorine and related harmful compounds in your tap water.

14. Mineral Rich

Purified Water assures that the vital minerals you need to function are present in the water you’re drinking. 

15. Better Smell & Taste

Purified Water tastes and smells better than tap water. Research shows many consumers believe bottled water is convenient and has better taste than tap water.

In a research study done by the BMC Public Health, the journal concluded that the majority of participants believed that bottled water has health benefits. The journal stated, “the health beliefs elicited were supported by scientific evidence to varying extents.”

What is Purified Water?

According to Anju Mobin, Certified Nutritionist and Managing Editor of Best of Nutrition, “purified water is water that undergoes a filtration process and then is purified to get rid of chemical pollutants, pathogens, and other impurities. Purified water assures that the vital minerals you need to function are present in the water you’re drinking. Purification removes harmful bacteria that otherwise can lead to diseases, stomach pain and naseaua, protects you from gastrointestinal problems, strengthens your immunity, and helps your digestive system to work well.”

We also asked Dr. Henry Hackney to explain to us what exactly purified water is, “Purified water is water that has been mechanically filtered or processed to remove impurities and make it usable ( bacteria, algae, parasites, metals like copper and lead, chemical pollutants, fungi). Purified water removes the chemicals in your water, but still keep the essential minerals. Purified water tastes and smells better than tap water.”

Abby Vichelli, MS, RDN, LD, a registered dietician tells us that “Purified water or "filtered" water has undergone mechanical filtering to remove contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins like microbes, plastics, and medications to name a few.” Vichelli continues, “Purifying water cleans out the contaminants that are often found in high levels. As mentioned, filtering out these harmful substances allows one to reduce their overall toxic exposure, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and best optimize health. Another benefit to purifying water is that one is likely to feel better and function more optimally as a result of consuming fewer chemicals and toxins that the body is not equipt to filter itself.”  

Dr. Sashini Seeni, General Practitioner of Medicine at DoctorOnCall (M.B.B.S.) echoes these statements, telling us “Purified water is free from heavy metals like lead and copper. These metals are known to cause debilitating medical conditions in humans like anaemia, kidney, liver and brain damage. Another benefit of purified water is it removes chlorine which is a common chemical added to the public water supply as a disinfectant. Long term exposure to chlorine may increase the risks for certain cancers like colorectal cancer. Another benefit of purifying water is that it removes unpleasant taste associated with organic matters, chemical treatments or metal plumbing. This gives you fresh, crisp water that’ll motivate one to drink more daily.”

Registered Dietician and nutrition researcher, Hayley Cimring breaks down what purified water is and purified water’s benefit’s to the human body by telling us:

“Purified drinking water is the type of drinking water in which the impurities are reduced to such an extent that they don’t form more than 10 parts per million Purified water goes through a process similar to what filtered water goes through, but with a few added steps like reverse osmosis, distillation, or deionization.” 

The end result is far purer than filtered, spring or tap water.

So why is purified water better than any other alternatives? Here are the top 3 reasons:

1.   Essential Minerals

Drinking purified water assures that the vital minerals you need to function are present in the water you’re drinking. Such minerals are potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron are but a few.

2. Bacteria

Aside from the chemicals and dirt that can get in to your water, perhaps the scariest of all is the thought of microorganisms. Purified water removes harmful bacteria that otherwise can lead to sickness, stomach pain and nausea.

3. Chlorine

Chlorine disinfects water - making it smell and taste cleaner.

The bottom line is it’s good for your health to drink adequate distilled water that is free of contaminants and nice to drink.” - Hayley Cimring, Registered Dietician.

Top Benefits of Purified Water:

Allison Camp, PhD in Toxicology, and Founder of Non-Toxic Home Consulting, a water quality expert and specialist, tells us that “One of the main benefits of purified water is that it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. This allows our bodies to use the water for healthy functioning without the extra burden of detoxing the chemicals. Purified water is great for healthy liver and kidney function, because these organs won't need to work as hard to clear out impurities. Ultimately purified water benefits the entire body.”

According to Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author of The Candida Diet describes to us that “Drinking purified water allows you to consume safe water without the loss of beneficial minerals or presence of harmful contaminants. There are some health benefits that are byproducts of drinking purified water like reduced risk of certain cancers. Heavy metals are commonly found in regular tap water and are linked to some cancers, drinking purified water allows you to reduce this risk by eliminating one significant risk factor; heavy metals.

Environmental and Civil Engineer, Scott Fanello a health and wellness journalist with a focus on water chemistry informs us some of the benefits of drinking purified water also includes:

  • “Reduced exposure to PFAS, trace prescription drugs, and other chemicals not being removed by water treatment plants”

  • “More control over your families safety”

  • “Removes bacteria, viruses, and chemical corrosion from the pipes between the treatment plant and your tap”

  • “Removes leftover chlorine and related harmful compounds in your tap water”

Fanello continues to characterises purified water’s benefits and qualities, “Purified water has been chemically or mechanically treated to be safe for human consumption. Spring water is not as safe as it used to be. Before the worries were simply bacteria and viruses. Now you have to worry about a slew of chemicals in your water. These chemicals can only be removed using mechanical filters or other processes to clean the water.”

Purified vs. Spring Water:

Allison Camp, PhD (PhD in Toxicology) and Founder of Non-toxic Home Consulting, an expert in water toxicology tells us that , “Spring water sounds like it would be very clean and pure, but it can still contain some unappealing additions, such as metals or bacteria. Purified water will not have either.

Dr. Sashini Seeni, General Practitioner of Medicine at DoctorOnCall (M.B.B.S.) echoes purified water’s benefits over spring water by explaining to us that, “Purified water removes unwanted impurities that may be hazardous to health. Some examples of impurities include bacteria, algae, fungi, parasites, metals and chemical pollutants. This water goes through a treatment method which provides clean drinking water for the users. It starts with coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. What differentiates it from normal filtered water is an additional step like reverse osmosis, distillation and deionization. Tap water, even though treated, may contain trace amounts of impurities. Springwater is similar to tap water. Springwater may contain the same impurities that can be found in tap water or well water. As a matter of fact, spring feeds into rivers that in turn is the source of tap water. Labels that mentioned ‘100% pure’ does not indicate that it is purified. Rather, it means that it is derived from an underground source and not surface water. The water is pumped into a large tank and maybe chlorinated or ozonated to protect against contamination.

While Lynell Ross, Certified Health and Wellness Coach; Certified Nutritionist; Certified Personal Trainer details to our Chlorophyll Water team that “When it comes to drinking water selection, purified water is a healthier option than spring water, as spring water often contains trace amounts of contaminants. Oftentimes, harmful impurities can be found in spring water, including the heavy metals lead and copper, which are extremely damaging to our health. These heavy metals, even in trace amounts, can cause stomach pain and lead to long term brain damage. In addition to the health benefits described above regarding removal of harmful contaminants, drinking purified water tastes better than spring water or tap water. The purification process removes nasty chemicals and impurities that can make drinking water smell and taste funny. Purification leaves water tasting clean, crisp and pure.”

“Spring water must be collected at the source of a naturally flowing spring source. As such, it tends to have more particulates present in it, as well as more minerals. Purified water has undergone certain processes, like reverse osmosis or distillation, to remove impurities,” notes Laura Krebs-Holm, MS, RD, LD, Registered Dietician & Nutritionists, Founder of



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